Conscious Oral Sedation
If you are fearful or nervous when it comes to dental treatments or procedures, you will find appointments with Dr. Edward Perdue DDS are quite comfortable and painless. Our dentist and dental hygienists go to great lengths to ensure patients are perfectly comfortable throughout the entirety of their appointments. If necessary, we will perform dental treatments and procedures with the use of conscious oral sedation. Sedation dentistry essentially puts patients into a peaceful state for teeth cleanings, treatments and invasive surgical procedures. Also known as sleep dentistry, sedation dentistry keeps patients awake and conscious yet numbs pain to the point that the patient does not feel even the slightest sensation during the dental treatment or procedure.
Regardless of the specific level of sedation you select, you will be provided with a local anesthetic to numb the site where the dentist will be working, ultimately minimizing or even eliminating potential pain and discomfort. This is the perfect solution for those who are nervous about dental treatments or procedures and those who fear visiting the dentist. Even if you do not mind being treated for dental issues, you might have a low threshold for pain and prefer to be consciously sedated for your appointment. Others have highly sensitive teeth, a powerful gag reflex, need a considerable amount of work performed or simply cannot sit still in the chair for treatments/procedures.